This recipe for apple pie comes from my family. It's very old and I couldn't find anything similar on the internet. We all love this pie, both my husband and I, and I am making it very often, or to often, and since it contains sugar, I decided to make little healthier version. I did some changes and instead of sugar, I used Stevia.
About Stevia, I will only say that it's absolutely healthy and natural substitute for sugar.
About Stevia, I will only say that it's absolutely healthy and natural substitute for sugar.
It contains 0 calories, and it doesn't increase your blood sugar and comparing to sugar, Stevia has some nutritional value (zinc, magnesium, vitamin A and C etc.).
Anyway, this time I won't write real recipe but modified version, and if you read more about Stevia, you will see that it doesn't react same on heating as sugar does, so changes has to be made in the original recipe. I promise that I will make original version some day and show it to you because it's worth it. :)
For apple pie
- 5 apples
- 11 spoons of Stevia
- 1 + 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
- 2 spoons + 1 teaspoon of cinnamon
- 5 eggs
- 10 spoons of wheat semolina
- 2 spoons of bread crumbs
- 50g of butter
- 6 spoons of water
- 1 teaspoon of baking powder
Vanilla cream:
- 5dl of milk
- 3 spoons of Stevia
- 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
- 2 spoons of potato flour
- little water (2-3 spoons)
- Peel the apples, clean from seeds and slice them thin. Put them in a bowl and add 5 spoons of Stevia and cinnamon. Mix all together.
- Take a baking pan, put baking paper on it and sprinkle with bread crumbs. Place apples on it.
- Separate egg whites and yolks. Mix egg whites with 3 spoons of Stevia, add semolina, vanilla extract and water. Mix all together using electric mixer.
- Pour mixed egg whites over apples and place in the oven.
- Bake it on 200 C degree for a 15 minutes. Check after 10 minutes for any case, if apples are soft, then your baking is done.
- Meanwhile, mix yolks with 3 spoon of Stevia, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon, 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract and baking powder.
- Take your baked apples from the oven and pour yolks mixture over it. Return in the oven for next 10-12 minutes to bake yolks.
- When the top of the pie is golden brown, your pie is baked.
- Take it from the oven and start with making your vanilla cream.
- Place milk in the cooking pot, add vanilla extract and boil it.
- Mix 3 spoons of flour with little water and 3 spoons of Stevia. Add it in boiled milk and stir well all the time till it's cooked. Decrease heat or remove it from the stove to be sure that it won't burn on the bottom.
- Your vanilla cream should be liquid.
- Let it cool.
- Serve your vanilla cream with the apple pie and enjoy in lovely and sweet sugar free taste.
Pita sa jabukom i vanila krem
Porodicni recept, jako star i meni omiljeni. S obzirom da ga jako cesto spremam, odlucila sam se da ga adaptiram u zdravu verziju, zamenivsi secer jednom potpuno prirodnom i zdravom zamenom, steviom.
Reci cu samo da stevia sadrzi 0 kalorija, da je nutritivno bogata i da ne utice na porast secera u krvi.
Originalni recept ostavljam za neku drugu priliku, s obzirom da stevia nema ista svojstva kao secer pri zagrevanju, niti daje gustinu zumancima pri mucenju, originalni recept zaista zasluzuje da bude objavljen jednog dana.
- 5 vecih jabuka, nakiselih
- 11 kasika stevie
- 1 1/2 kasicica ekstrakta vanile
- 2 1/2 kasike cimeta
- 5 jaja
- 10 kasika griza
- 2 kasike prezli
- 50g butera
- 6 kasika vode
- 1 kasicica praska za pecivo
Za vanila krem:
- 5 dl mleka
- 3 kasike stevie
- 1 kasicica ekstrakta vanile
- 2 kasike brasna od krompira
- malo vode
- Oljustiti jabuke, ocistiti od semenki i tanko naseci. Izmesati jabuke sa 2 kasike cimeta i 5 kasika stevie. Pleh za pecenje prekriti papirom za pecenje i posuti prezlama. Sipati jabuke i rasporediti po dnu.
- Odvojiti belanca od zumanaca. Izmiksati belanca sa 3 kasike stevie, grizom, vodom i 1 kasicicom ekstrakta vanile. Preliti preko jabuka i peci na 200 C stepeni nekih 15 minuta. Proverite u medjuvremenu da li su jabuke pecene. Ukoliko su mekane, izvadite pleh iz rerene ranije.
- Dok se jabuke peku, umutiti penasto zumanca sa preoslom steviom, vanila ekstraktom, buterom i praskom za pecivo. Pecene jabuke preliti zumancima i vratiti u rernu da se dopeku.
- Kolac je gotov kada je korica od zumanca zlatno braon boje.
- U medjuvremenu dok se kolac pece, skuvajte vas vanila krem.
- Prokuvati mleko sa vanilom, brasno izmesati sa malo vode i steviom, dodati u kljucalo mleko i mesati sve vreme dok se krem ne skuva. Skloniti sa vatre da se ne bi napravile grudvice. Krem ce biti tecan, ali takav i treba da bude.
- Ohladiti vaila krem i servirati preko parceta pite od jabuka.
- Uzivati u slatkom ukusu bez trunke secera i straha da cete posle ovakvog zalogaja morati da trcite 5 krugova oko zgrade :).
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