Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Kinder cake (the best cake ever) :)

kinder cake

This is one of my all time favorite cakes. Easy to make, rich in taste, creamy and really nice. Not too sweet. Perfect combinations of ingredients. I changed original recipe that I got from my mom and adapted it very well to my taste :) and that means basically less butter, less sugar.
The cake is big, 12 pieces at least. Baked in 26 cm cake mold.


For the bottom:

  • 6 egg whites
  • 6 spoons of sugar
  • 1 spoon of lemon juice
  • 50-60 g of hazelnuts (crushed) and fried for 2-3 minutes
  • 10 dl of milk
  • 6 spoons of sugar
  • 6 egg yolks
  • 1 tsp of vanilla extract
  • 10 spoons of flour
  • 200 g white chocolate (melted)
  • 200 g dark chocolate (melted)
  • 150 g butter - room temperature (I am using normal salted butter)
U will need also:
  • 200 g nutella
  • 100 g oreo biscuit - crushed with hands (remove cream in between cookies and use only biscuit)
  • 400 ml whip cream
  • 20-30 g crushed and fried hazelnuts for decoration
  • cca 50 g melted chocolate for decoration

  1. Preheat your oven to 150 C degrees.
  2. Whisk very hard 6 egg whites (with electric mixer), add 6 spoons of sugar when mix is really hard, it has to be perfect foam that doesn't move when you turn bowl upside down. Mix sugar 1-2 minutes, then add 1 spoon of lemon acid. Mix another 2-3 minutes.
  3. Place baking paper in your baking mold. I used 26 cm round mold. 
  4. Put crushed hazelnuts in the bottom, spread around, then pour your egg mixture all over the hazelnuts.
  5. Reduce temperature to 100 C degree and bake for 60 minutes. Let it cool.
  1. Boil 800 ml of milk with vanilla. 
  2. Whisk egg whites in a bowl, with fork, no need for mixer, add milk, sugar and flour and mix all together. Mix it well to avoid crumbs.
  3. When milk is close to boil, reduce temperature to the lowest, remove from the stove and pour milk in a egg mixture, little by little with constant whisking. 
  4. Put it back to the stove, and boil it on LOWEST temperature with constant whisking for 3-4 minutes. Remove from the stove and let it cool.
  5. When cream is still little bit warm, add whisked butter in it and mix it well. Let it cool now completely.
  6. Divide cream in two bowls and add melted white chocolate in one half and melted dark chocolate in another half.
Layering a cake:
  1. Turn cake bottom upside down, so you get hazelnuts on the top. 
  2. Place cake bottom on the cake stand and place cake ring around the bottom.
  3. Spread nutella cream on the cake bottom (the side with hazelnuts).
  4. Spread crushed oreo cookies on nutella. Cover whole nutella layer.
  5. Then add a layer of white vanilla cream.
  6. Next one is dark chocolate layer.
  7. Put it in the fridge for at least 5 hours. The best is to make the cake day before you will serve it.
  8. Whisk whip cream before you will serve the cake.
  9. Remove cake ring gently and spread the whipped cream on the top of the cake. You can do same on the sides if you wanna. 
  10. Make some decoration from melted chocolate and sprinkle cake with crushed hazelnuts. Keep the cake in the fridge.
  11. Enjoy ;)
kinder cake
Kinder torta

Moja omiljena u preradjenom izdanju. Prilagodila sam sebi originalni recept moje mame i dobila jos ukusniju i zaista predivnu tortu :)

Potrebno je:

Za koru:

  • 6 belanaca
  • 6 kasika secera
  • 1 kasika limunovog soka
  • 50-60 g seckanih i prepecenih lesnika 
Za fil:
  • 6 zumanaca
  • 6 kasika secera
  • 1 litar mleka
  • 10 kasika brasna
  • 1 kasicica ekstrakta vanile 
  • 200 g bele cokolade - otopljene 
  • 200 crne cokolade ( 70% kakaoa) - otopljene
  • 150 g maslaca sobne temperature (ja sam koristila umereno slani maslac)
Jos je potrebno:
  • 200 g nutele 
  • 100 g oreo keksa izmrvljenog rukama (odvojiti beli krem od keksa i koristiti samo keks)
  • 400 ml neutralne pavlake (nikako slag u prahu i sl. jeftine zamene)
  • 20-30 g seckanih i prepecenih lesnika za dekoraciju
  • cca 50 g otopljene cokolade za dekoraciju

  1. Zagrejati rernu na 150 C stepeni.
  2. Cvrsto umutiti 6 belanaca. Belanca moraju biti dobro umucena, bez da se masa pomera kada izvrnete ciniju, potom dodati 6 kasika secera i dodatno mutiti 1-2, potom dodati kasiku limunovog soka i mutiti jos 3-4 minuta. 
  3. Modlu za pecenje obloziti papirom za pecenje. Ja sam koristila modlu obima 26 cm.
  4. Dno posuti seckanim lesnicima i preko izliti umucena belanca.
  5. Temperaturu smanjiti na 100 C stepeni i peci 60 minuta. Pecenu koru ostaviti da se ohladi.
  1. Staviti 800 ml mleka da se kuva sa ekstraktom vanile.
  2. Umutiti zumanca sa preostalim mlekom, secerom i brasnom da ne bude grudvica.
  3. Kada je mleko pred kljucanje, skloniti sa ringle i smanjiti temperaturu na minimum. Zatim sipati polako mleko u umucena zumanca sa brasnom, sipati po malo uz stalno mesanje.
  4. Vratiti na ringlu i kuvati na najnizoj temperaturi uz stalno mesanje 3-4 minuta. Ostaviti da se prohladi.
  5. U relativno prohladjen fil (jos mlak, ne hladan), dodati umucen maslac i sve lepo sjediniti. Mutiti mikserom. Ostaviti da se potpuno ohladi.
  6. Krem podeliti na dva jednaka dela i u jedan dodati otopljenu belu cokoladu u drugu polovinu otopljenju crnu cokoladu.
Filovanje torte:
  1. Okrenuti koru torte, tako da dno, sa lesnicima bude gore. Njega cete filovati. 
  2. Staviti koru na postolje za tortu i vratiti obruc od modle za pecenje. (Ovo vam je potrebno da bi torta imala savrsen okrugli oblik i da bi se svi slojevi lepo slozili i ohladili).
  3. Premazati koru sa lesnicima slojem nutele.
  4. Zatim poredjati izmrvljeni oreo keks po nuteli. Prekriti celu povrsinu.
  5. Izliti beli krem i rasporediti po povrsini.
  6. Potom filovati kremom od tamne cokolade.
  7. Ostaviti tortu u frizideru, najmanje 5 sati. Najbolje je praviti je danas za sutra.
  8. Pred sluzenje, umutiti neutralnu pavlaku.
  9. Lagano skloniti modlu za pecenje. Premazati pavlakom gornju povrsinu torte. Mozete i stranice a i ne morate.
  10. Napraviti dekoracije od cokolade. Posuti tortu mrvljenim lesnicima. Tortu drzite u frizideru sve vreme. 
  11. Uzivajte ;)
kinder cake

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