Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Pasta Soup

This pasta soup is an easy alternative in cooking pasta, for the cold days of winter (and autumn, and spring in Sweden :P). It's quick to make, and meat or veggies can be added to the soup, either before or while boiling the pasta.

Time you'll need to make this: 30-40 minutes
Difficulty level: easy!

Ingredients (for 2 plates):

- 2 eggs
- 1-2 lemons, depending on how sour you want the soup to be
- 1 big glass of pasta, preferably those for kids that are smaller and cuter with shapes!
- 1 broth cube (any flavor will do, but it's best if you use chicken or veggie broth for this one)
- salt
- butter
- water

How to cook it:

  1. Fill a small cooking pot with water, add the spoon of butter, salt and broth cube, and let it boil.
  2. Throw in the pasta when the water is boiling.
  3. Stir often.
  4. Pasta should be ready in 10-15mins depending on your brand and kind of pasta. 
  5. Add a glass of cold water, stir and leave aside to cool a bit.
  6. Make "avgolemono" (2nd picture): separate the yolk from the eggs and beat the white part, then add the yolk and beat it together again.
  7. Squeeze the lemons and add them to the egg mixture, then beat again.
  8. Add the avgolemono to the soup, when the soup is hot but not boiling.
  9. Stir and serve!

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