Thursday, October 16, 2014


I decided to try a Swedish dessert after being prompted by Henrik, so here is my own version of the famous "kladdkaka". I followed the wonderful recipe from Susanne's, and made some changes to fit my own tastes, or correct some mistakes throughout the making. Henrik, being a fan of the dessert, verified that it was very tasty, so I trust his opinion! Here's how it was done:

Time you'll need to make this: 40-60 minutes
Difficulty level: easy

Ingredients (for 6 small portions):
- 2 medium sized eggs
- 100g butter (I use vegetable butter) - and if you feel it's not enough while you make the cake, have some olive oil aside (4-5 spoons), it works great as a substitute
- 2,5dl brown sugar (I would go for 2dl, even)
- 1 spoon vanilla sugar
- 3 spoons cocoa powder
- 2dl all-purpose flour
- 1 packet of whipped or double cream
- 1 packet of frozen raspberries
- 1 spoon of powdered sugar

You will need a cake form - as it is suggested in Susanne's recipe, it should be about 20cm in diameter. I only had a round one with a hole in the middle available (used most often for other sorts of cakes), but I baked it there without an issue.
I also found it necessary to have an electrical mixer, but I suppose you can manage it with mixing it yourself, and get some good arm exercise at the same time :D

How to bake it:
  1. Warm up your oven to 175 degrees. Meanwhile, melt the butter carefully in a cooking pot, and then let it rest and cool.
  2. Mix the eggs with the sugar until it becomes a white-yellowish mix.
  3. Add the vanilla sugar and the cocoa and mix until you get a chocolate mix that is neither too thick nor too watery (think a bit thicker than Nutella). 
  4. Add the flour and mix everything very well until you have an even mix. Tip: while I was making this, I realized that my eggs were too small and the mix became a bit too thick. I carefully added water (6 spoons in total) while mixing, to give the mix the perfect thickness. If this happens while you're making the cake, you can add 2 spoons of water each time and mix, until you get your perfect "moderate" thickness.
  5. Add the butter and stir everything very well. Tip: once again here, I didn't measure the butter correctly, and it seemed too little to me. I added 4 spoons of olive oil and the mix was perfect, the taste unaltered. :)
  6. You can use your cake form without greasing and flouring it, but I prefer doing it in any case. If you wish to do that, just take a teaspoon of butter and grease the surface where the cake will be, then sprinkle some flour over it. Turn the pan upside down to remove any excess flour, and you're good to go. Spread your cake mix in the baking pan, and place it in the oven, on the medium scale.
  7. Let your cake bake for about 20 to 30 minutes. If you're using a flat pan without a hole in the middle, it should be ready and done in 20 minutes. If you're using my kind of pan, the cake is taller, so it should be left in for 5-10 minutes longer.
  8. Take the cake out and let it cool. It is said that a kladdkaka is perfect to eat the next day, instead of the day it was baked!
  9. I served it with whipped (or double) cream, powdered sugar and raspberry sauce in the middle. To make a raspberry sauce, simply put the frozen raspberries in a cooking pot and heat them up, stirring continuously, until they soften up and let out some juice. :) Place the sauce in the middle (if you made a cake with a hole) or to the side with cream, and sprinkle the powdered sugar on top of the cake. Smaklig måltid!

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